quarta-feira, 29 de julho de 2009

News on the site


The site of the Institute of Applied Psychology and Education - IAPS (www.iapse.com.br or www.iapse.com)is with more news, discussion and articles. I invite you to register is fast and gratutio. After you register, send your articles, after
the review
it can be published on our website.

But the site is written in Portuguese.

terça-feira, 7 de julho de 2009

Names of people in Brazil

In Brazil the usual names are Maria, José, João, Paulo, Pedro, Cláudia, etc.
The more unusual names are Harry, Connon, Sato, Christopher, etc
My name is unsual here because the writing is different from speech.
Write - Glacy
Speak - Gleice
Many persons are confused.